Our Story

The Perfect Stranger

by Electric Honey 

The room is dark, and the air is heavy. The music is loud, so loud, makes my whole body shake. A distant voice murmurs behind thesounds. Trying in vain to cut through the mountain of noise. But at that moment words don’t mean anything, it’s just you, standing alone, trying to process the energy around you. But, the chaos overwhelms me peacefully, as I fall into a deep hypnotic trance.

Wait! I jumped ahead, let me take you back… before the music … before the room was dark and the air was heavy. 

Before all that, the room starts to fill with people. The faithful gather every week with religious devotion to listen to the musical gospel of some unknown band. The room starts filling some more, and a nervous energy starts developing, the type of nervousness that makes you want to vomit. Perhaps it’s just anticipation.

Every single person in the room is dressed very strangely. All boundaries are blurry, at best, men in dresses and women in baggy workwear … everything is stripped down, back to basics. dirty, and gritty…. but beautiful. Everyone is sharing a great deal of their personal journeys through their clothes. Every rip and every stain is a metaphor of their life’s journey.

Austin has developed a very unique vocabulary when it comes to style (and maybe not unique, but personal). People go to great lengths to find funky obscure gems. All garments are altered, cut, or dyed. The diversity of styles is refreshing. From the modern minimal Boho style of East Austin to the experimental over-the-top rock and roll vibes of Red River. Every style seems to have a home here in Austin. And, every great look always starts with a great piece of vintage. 

Another peculiar feature of the fashion scene here in Austin is that is ALL underground. No big stores or glitzy advertisement. To find your “Graal Santel”, that garment that you will treasure for the rest of your life, you will have to put some effort. Pop-up markets are the ONLY way to shop for true Austin fashion.  As an added bonus, you will interact directly with the person that made your garment. And, they will tell you in great length how much love went into making your newly acquired treasure. 

About 5 years ago, I created Electric Honey. A label that tries to chronicle and document the fashion journey of the city. We collaborate with many different makers and artists to create about 4 collections a year. Our hope is to show the world Austin’s unique take on style. 

I’m sorry, I'm starting to digress… where were we … I remember, the room is dark, and the air is heavy.

Nothing contextualizes  Austin’s style more than music. It brings people together. Music is the city’s greatest equalizer. Nobody knows anybody, but for a moment, we all seem connected. And in that instance, we all are appreciative and thankful for each other's differences.  It’s like a stained glass window in a cathedral. All different sizes and colors combine in harmony telling a story. Enjoying the catharsis of music with a perfect stranger put everything in context for me. Austin fashion is not about labels or status, being big or small, gay or straight, or any other qualifier that the world has created to define you. Wearing garments that have deep meaning to you and that celebrate your life’s journey is the best way to tell the world Fuck You I exist. 


Electric Honey